联系人:熊伟 先生 (销售部经理) |
电 话:021-60649859 |
手 机:13472486623 |
WCA验厂需要哪些文件 |
11. 厨房卫生许可证及厨工健康证
Kitchen’s Hygiene Certificate and Cooks’ Health Certificate
12. 职业健康体检记录及化学品安全培训记录
Occupational Health Examination Records and Chemical Safety Training Records
13. 环保文件(如建设项目环评、环评批复、建设项目竣工环境验收报告,排放污染物申报登记表等)
Environmental Documents such as Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report, EIA Approval, Acceptance
Check of Environmental Protection of Construction Projects and Declaration Form of Pollutants Discharged, etc.
14. 危险废物处置商的经营许可证,危险废物转移联单等
Business Permit of Dangerous Waste Collector and Dangerous Waste Disposal Duplicated Form
15. 厂规或员工手册
Factory Regulation or Employee Handbook
16. 政府有关当地*低工资规定文件
Local Minimum Wage Standard
17. 当地劳动局关于综合工时批文或延长加班批文
Official Comprehensive Working Hour System Approval or Waiver for Overtime Extension
18. 未成年工体检及劳动局登记记录
Young Workers’ Health Examination and Registration Records
19. 厂房平面图
Factory Building Layout
20. 劳务派遣工的考勤及工资表记录,劳动合同,社会保险收据及合格证明,与劳务派遣单位签订的合同及劳务派遣单位的营业执照
Dispatched Workers’ Attendance & Payroll Records, Labor Contracts, Social Insurance Receipt & Certificates,
Contract signed with Labor Agent and the Business License of Labor Agent
21. (危险)化学品清单
List of (Dangerous) Chemical |